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Power up your Property Protection: Zareba Fence Charger - The Ultimate Solution for Effective Electric Fencing

Zareba Fence Charger

Looking for a reliable electric fence charger? Check out Zareba Fence Charger, the ultimate solution for keeping your livestock safe and secure.

Are you tired of your livestock wandering off your property? Do you want a reliable and easy-to-use fencing solution that will keep them in place? Look no further than the Zareba Fence Charger.

With over 70 years of experience, Zareba has established itself as a trusted brand in the agriculture industry. Their fence chargers are designed to deliver a powerful shock that will keep even the most stubborn animals from escaping.

But why choose a Zareba Fence Charger over other brands? According to a recent survey, 9 out of 10 farmers who use a Zareba charger report significantly fewer instances of escaped livestock. That's a statistic you can't ignore.

Plus, with a user-friendly design and quick installation process, the Zareba Fence Charger allows you to spend less time worrying about your animals and more time enjoying your farm. No need to hire an electrician or spend hours deciphering complicated instructions.

And let's not forget about the peace of mind that comes with using a Zareba fence charger. You can rest easy knowing that your animals are safe and secure. No more late-night searches for escaped cows or frantic phone calls to neighbors.

Still not convinced? Consider the cost savings. With a Zareba Fence Charger, you won't need to constantly repair or replace broken fences. And by keeping your animals on your property, you'll avoid costly fines for trespassing.

But what about environmentally-conscious farmers? Don't worry, Zareba has you covered. Their solar-powered fence chargers offer a sustainable solution that won't harm your wallet or the planet.

And let's not forget about the potential revenue boost that comes with using a Zareba Fence Charger. By keeping your animals safe and secure, you can expand your herd or sell high-quality meat to a larger customer base.

So why wait? If you're tired of dealing with escaped animals and repairing broken fences, it's time to invest in a Zareba Fence Charger. Trust us, your livestock will thank you.

The Importance of a Reliable and Efficient Zareba Fence Charger

If you’re a farmer or a rancher, you know that one of the most important components of keeping your livestock safe is the fence. But, having a fence isn't enough without a reliable and efficient fence charger. Whether you’re dealing with horses, cattle, hogs, or sheep, it’s important to get a charger that will electrify your fence and keep your livestock safe and secure within the boundaries of your property.

What is a Zareba Fence Charger?

A Zareba Fence Charger is an electric fence energizer that generates pulse-like electrical currents to provide high voltage and low amperage shocks to a fence. It doesn’t depend on an external power source to work since it uses the electrical energy stored in its batteries or solar panels to jolt its targeted area of the fence.

Why Choose a Zareba Fence Charger?

Why should you choose a Zareba Fence Charger over other brands that are available in the market? Zareba has been a trusted name in livestock fencing since 1940. Their fence chargers are known for their quality, reliability, durability, and long-lasting battery life.

Zareba Fence Chargers are made with advanced electronic technology that enables them to provide a consistent stream of electricity to your fence at all times. They have circuitry that adapts the voltage output to the condition of the fence, ensuring maximum efficiency in preventing escapes while conserving battery life.

Types of Zareba Fence Chargers

Zareba provides a wide range of fence chargers to cater to the different needs of farmers and ranchers. Some of the types of fence chargers they offer include:

  • Plug-in Fence Chargers - these are ideal for small animal control and short fence lines since they work by plugging into an electrical outlet.

  • Battery-Powered Fence Chargers - these are ideal for remote locations or pastures where access to electricity is limited. They use a 12-volt battery as their power source, typically lasting 4-6 weeks between recharges.

  • Solar-Powered Fence Chargers - these are suitable for remote areas where there's no access to the grid since they rely on the energy from the sun. The square footage covered will depend on the solar panel's wattage needed to power the electric fence.

Installation of Zareba Fence Chargers

The installation of any electric fence charger is essential to ensure that it operates correctly. It's important to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid any errors that may affect the fence charger's performance. Proper grounding plays an integral role in making sure the charge delivered is consistent along the length of the fence.

It's also crucial to choose the location of your fence charger wisely since this can affect the efficiency of your fence. Choose a spot that's easily accessible, protected from the elements, and as close to the beginning of your fence as possible.

Maintenance of Zareba Fence Chargers

Maintenance of your Zareba Fence Charger is necessary to ensure optimal performance. You should periodically check the fence line and ensure all insulators are attached correctly, wires are tightly fastened, and there are no shorts in the fence or grass that’s touching the wire.

You should also check your battery-powered fence chargers often, and keep the battery charged and clean. Solar-powered chargers typically do not require extensive maintenance, but cleaning the solar panels every six months with a damp cloth may enhance the efficiency of the charger.

The Bottom Line

Having a reliable and efficient fence charger like the Zareba Fence Charger is critical in keeping your livestock safe and secure within your property. These chargers are built to deliver consistent, high-voltage shock across your entire electric fence line for maximum security and are a must-have investment for any farm or ranch.

Zareba Fence Chargers are durable, reliable, and easy to maintain with minimal involvement from farmers and ranchers. By following the installation and maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturer, you can ensure that your Zareba Fence Charger is always ready to keep your animals protected and within their boundaries.

Comparing Zareba Fence Charger with Other Brands


Fencing off your property is important to keep it safe from wild animals and to keep your pets or livestock from running off. But fencing is useless if it's not powered by a fence charger. A fence charger is an electrical device that keeps the fence charged so that any animal or person who touches it receives an electric shock. There are various brands of fence chargers available in the market, but Zareba stands out as one of the best. In this article, we will compare Zareba fence charger with other popular brands and see what sets it apart.

Zareba Fence Charger vs. Gallagher Fence Charger

Gallagher is another well-known brand of fence chargers, mainly used in Australia and New Zealand. Both Zareba and Gallagher fence chargers have similar features when it comes to voltage and acreage coverage. But Gallagher fence chargers have complicated controls, making them difficult to operate. On the other hand, Zareba fence chargers are user-friendly, making them an ideal choice for residential fencing projects.

Zareba Fence Charger vs. Parmak Fence Charger

Parmak is also a renowned brand that manufactures fence chargers. Although Parmak fence chargers have higher joule ratings, Zareba fence chargers have better efficiency. Zareba fence chargers also have a longer battery life than Parmak fence chargers. Therefore, Zareba fence chargers are a better choice for people looking for an efficient and long-lasting fence charger.

Zareba Fence Charger vs. Fi-Shock Fence Charger

Fi-Shock is another popular brand of fence chargers available today. Zareba fence chargers have a higher voltage output than Fi-Shock fence chargers. The range of Zareba fence chargers is also wider than that of Fi-Shock, making it a better choice for people who need to cover larger areas. Moreover, Zareba fence chargers have better quality components and are more durable.

Zareba Fence Charger vs. Patriot Fence Charger

Patriot is a top brand in the fence charger market. When we compare Zareba fence chargers with Patriot fence chargers, we see that Zareba fence chargers have a wider range and can power larger fencing systems. They also have a longer battery life, which means you don't have to worry about constantly replacing batteries. Overall, Zareba fence chargers offer better value for money than Patriot fence chargers.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing a fence charger, several factors come into play, including the type of fencing, the area you need to cover, and your budget. Zareba fence chargers are a reliable and efficient choice for anyone looking for a high-quality fence charger. They indeed stand out from other brands like Gallagher, Parmak, Fi-Shock, and Patriot. With a Zareba fence charger, you will get a product that is user-friendly, durable, and offers excellent value for money.

Table Comparison

Brand Voltage output Range Battery life User-friendliness Price
Zareba 5,000 - 15,000 volts Up to 200 acres 6 - 12 months Easy to operate $$
Gallagher 5,000 - 15,000 volts Up to 200 acres 4 - 9 months Complicated controls $$
Parmak 10,000 - 12,000 volts Up to 100 acres 4 - 8 months Easy to operate $$$
Fi-Shock 1,500 - 7,500 volts Up to 25 acres 2 - 4 months Easy to operate $
Patriot 3,000 - 10,000 volts Up to 100 acres 4 - 6 months Easy to operate $$$


After comparing Zareba fence chargers with other popular brands, we can conclude that Zareba offers the best combination of voltage output, range, battery life, user-friendliness, and price. If you are looking for an efficient and reliable fence charger, we strongly recommend Zareba.

Zareba Fence Charger: Tips and Tutorial


If you are a farmer or a rancher, protecting your animals from predators is a top priority. One way to keep your animals safe is by installing an electric fence. An electric fence has been proven effective in deterring animals, but it must be powered by an energizer or a fence charger. In this blog article, we will discuss Zareba Fence Charger and tips on how to use it for an efficient and reliable electric fence.

What is a Fence Charger?

A fence charger also known as an energizer or a fencer, is a device that delivers the electric impulse to the fence. The shock from the electric fence is enough to deter animals from crossing or touching it. A fence charger comes in different types, such as plug-in, battery-operated, or solar-powered. One popular brand of fence charger is Zareba.

Why Choose Zareba Fence Charger?

Zareba is a trusted brand of electric fencing products. They offer a variety of fence chargers suitable for different types of fences and animals. Here are some reasons why you should choose Zareba Fence Charger:

1. Durability

Zareba Fence Charger is made of high-quality materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It is designed to last for years, making it a cost-effective option.

2. Easy Installation

Zareba Fence Charger comes with an easy-to-follow installation manual. You can install it yourself, without the need for professional help. Just follow the instructions carefully, and you can have a functional electric fence in no time.

3. Safety Features

Zareba Fence Charger has safety features that prevent accidents. It has a fuse that protects it from power surges, and it also has an indicator light that tells you when it's working correctly.

How to Choose the Right Zareba Fence Charger

Choosing the right Zareba Fence Charger is important to make sure that the electric fence works efficiently. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Type of Fence

The type of fence you have will determine the power output of the fence charger that you need. For example, a polywire fence requires less power than a high-tensile fence.

2. Length of Fence

The longer your fence is, the more powerful your fence charger needs to be. Make sure to choose a fence charger that matches the length of your fence.

3. Type of Animal

Different animals require different levels of shock to be deterred. Make sure to choose a fence charger that matches the type of animal you want to keep in or out of your property.

Tips on Using Zareba Fence Charger

Here are some tips on how to use Zareba Fence Charger for an efficient and reliable electric fence:

1. Grounding

Proper grounding is essential for the fence charger to work effectively. Make sure to install at least three ground rods, spaced 10 feet apart, and connected with copper wire.

2. Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your Zareba Fence Charger will ensure its longevity. Check the wires and connections regularly to make sure they are secure and in good condition.

3. Battery Life

If you are using a battery-operated fence charger, make sure to check the battery life regularly. Replace the batteries if needed to ensure optimal performance.


Installing an electric fence is a smart choice for keeping your animals safe. Zareba Fence Charger is a reliable and durable option for powering your electric fence. By following the tips and guidelines we have discussed, you can have a functional and efficient electric fence in no time.

Zareba Fence Charger: Keeping Your Livestock Safe and Secure

If you're a livestock owner, you understand the importance of keeping your animals safe and secure. Whether you are raising horses, cattle, sheep or goats, ensuring that they are protected from predators and that they do not wander off your property can be a challenging task. Fortunately, technology advancements have made it easier to keep your livestock secure and safe. One such technology is the Zareba Fence Charger.

The Zareba Fence Charger is an electric device that electrifies your livestock fence wire with a pulsating charge. This ensures that predators such as coyotes, foxes, and bears are deterred, and your animals will not go wandering off the ranch or farm. The electric charge from the Zareba Fence Charger is barely felt by livestock, but effective enough to make them stay clear of the fence.

The Zareba Fence Charger comes in different types and sizes depending on the voltage and the length of the fence. Some of the types include AC-powered, DC-powered, and solar-powered fence chargers. These chargers allow you to choose the best option for your needs and specific location.

If power outages are a common occurrence in your area, choosing a solar fence charger is the best option. A solar-powered Zareba Fence Charger comes with a solar panel that charges the device's battery during the day, ensuring it remains operational even during power failures.

As you install your Zareba Fence Charger, note that proper grounding is crucial. You should install at least three-foot copper or galvanized rods buried deep into the ground and connect them via appropriate wires to the charger's grounding terminal. Failure to provide adequate grounding can lead to electrical shorts, which can harm livestock, electrify fallen branches or lead to permanent damage to the charger.

One significant advantage of Zareba Fence Chargers is that they have a low maintenance cost. Depending on the unit's power source, you may have to replace the battery, upgrade the solar panel, or replace the fuse. However, for most of the chargers, minimal maintenance is required, ensuring that your animals are safe and your fence always electrified.

If you encounter any issues with your Zareba Fence Charger, reach out to their customer support team. They are available on phone, via email or through their social media platforms. Their experts can troubleshoot the issue with you, thus avoiding the need for purchasing a replacement. Additionally, they provide user manuals and installation guides that streamline the installation process for every charger.

In conclusion, using a Zareba Fence Charger is an effective way to keep your livestock safe and secure. It's low maintenance and comparatively affordable while providing excellent protection against predators. With its different types and sizes, you can customize the charger to fit your specific needs. Proper installation and grounding are crucial, but once installed correctly, you'll be sure that your animals will remain protected at all times.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about Zareba Fence Charger. We hope you found it informative and helpful. Protecting your animals should never be a compromise, and the Zareba Fence Charger ensures that you never have to make that choice.

People Also Ask About Zareba Fence Charger

What is a Zareba Fence Charger?

A Zareba Fence Charger is an electric device that helps to keep your animals safely contained within a designated area by sending electrical pulses through the fence wire. It is available in a range of different models, including battery-powered, solar-powered and plug-in varieties.

How does a Zareba Fence Charger work?

A Zareba Fence Charger works by transmitting electric pulses through the fence wire to create a physical barrier that animals will not want to touch. The electric shock that it produces is enough to deter livestock from crossing the boundary, but not enough to cause any real harm. This makes it an effective way of keeping animals safely contained within a specific area.

What are the benefits of using a Zareba Fence Charger?

Some of the key benefits of using a Zareba Fence Charger include:

  • Improved safety for your livestock, as it reduces the chances of them escaping or getting injured in other ways.
  • A more efficient use of time and resources, as you don't need to spend as much time monitoring your animals and repairing fences.
  • A reduction in repair and replacement costs for your fence, as a Zareba Fence Charger can help to prevent wires from becoming broken or damaged.
  • An environmentally friendly solution, as some models rely on solar power rather than batteries or a power outlet.

How do I choose the right Zareba Fence Charger for my needs?

When choosing a Zareba Fence Charger, there are several factors that you will need to consider, such as:

  1. The size and type of animal that you are trying to contain.
  2. The amount of power that is needed to create an effective barrier.
  3. Whether you need a battery-powered, solar-powered, or plug-in model.
  4. Your budget for the purchase.
  5. The type of fencing that you are using, and whether it is compatible with the charger that you choose.

Is a Zareba Fence Charger easy to install?

Yes, a Zareba Fence Charger is generally very easy to install, especially if you are using a plug-in or solar-powered model. Most models come with clear instructions and all the necessary components that you will need, such as ground rods and wires. However, if you are unsure about how to install your fence charger, it's always best to consult a professional.

People Also Ask About Zareba Fence Charger

What is a Zareba fence charger?

A Zareba fence charger, also known as an electric fence energizer, is a device that provides an electrical pulse to an electric fence system. It is designed to deliver a non-lethal but memorable shock to animals that come into contact with the fence, effectively keeping them contained within or away from a designated area.

How does a Zareba fence charger work?

A Zareba fence charger works by converting electrical power from an outlet or battery into a high-voltage pulse. This pulse is then sent through the fence wire, creating an electrified barrier. When an animal touches the charged wire, the circuit is completed, and the animal receives a harmless shock, which conditions them to avoid the fence in the future.

What are the benefits of using a Zareba fence charger?

Using a Zareba fence charger offers several benefits:

  • Effective animal containment: A Zareba fence charger ensures that animals stay within the designated area, preventing them from wandering off or entering restricted zones.
  • Enhanced security: Electric fences deter intruders, both human and animal, providing an added layer of security to your property.
  • Low maintenance: Zareba fence chargers are designed to be durable and require minimal maintenance, ensuring a long lifespan for your electric fence system.
  • Flexibility: They can be powered by either AC outlets or batteries, making them suitable for various locations, including remote areas without access to electricity.

Are Zareba fence chargers safe for animals?

Yes, Zareba fence chargers are safe for animals when used correctly. The electric shock delivered by the charger is designed to be memorable but not harmful. It acts as a deterrent rather than inflicting pain or injury. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure that the charger is properly grounded and maintained to avoid any potential issues.

Can Zareba fence chargers be used with different types of fences?

Yes, Zareba fence chargers can be used with various types of fences, including wire, polywire, tape, and rope. They are compatible with both permanent and temporary fencing systems, providing versatility in their applications. However, it is crucial to select a charger that matches the length and type of fence you have to ensure optimal performance.